
In general, the largest and most private accommodations in Yelapa are further upriver, tucked into the jungle. If seeing wildlife is your top priority, and you're willing and able to walk a little further, upriver might be the place for you.

All wedding-related events will take place on the south (village) side of the river. How easy it is to get from one side of the river to the other depends on the water level: if it's low, as it may very well be given that February is well into the dry season, you can just walk across the beach and up some stairs to get from the beach to the village. If the water level is unseasonably high, you can choose whether to hop or wade over the mouth of the river or walk ten minutes upriver to a bridge and then back downriver.

To look for places along the river, peruse area number 1 (for the village side, closer to the wedding venues) or area number 3 (for the north side, across the bridge) on the new spreadsheet (go here and select "File >> Download as >>" to download your own copy).

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